Wednesday 28 March 2012

Part 3 Civilization Of India

 Hello everyone! My name is Shaun Leslie Benjamin and I will have written up on the short summary on the Civilization of India. I am sure you must be eager to know what India has to offer to us. Let’s look closer in the Civilization of India as I promised you guys earlier. The Civilization of India can be broken down into many categories. Please refer to the notes below and I am sure you will be wooed after reading on the Civilization of India.

The Concept of the Civilization of India  

The People

The Civilization of India is mainly divided into 2 groups that is the Indo-Arya and Dravida. The Indo-Arya is situated in the North India and the Dravida is situated in the Southern part of India.

The Characteristics of the people of Indo-Arya:
·         Speaks Sanskrit language
·         Chants and rituals made up of 4 types of Veda that is Rig, Yajur, Sama and Antharva

The Characteristics of the people of Dravida:
·         Speaks Tamil language
·         Believes, thoughts and the peoples culture is based on the teaching of Saivisme and Vaisnavisme.

The Culture
The main culture of the Indian society can be seen via the family system. As we look deeper in this region of study, in India they practice the joint family system. Where the father, mother, children, family in-laws, grandchildren all live under one roof. They practice the spirit of living together and believe in sharing the wealth among family members. Another reason why they family intermarry is to keep the wealth of the family together and not separating it. This cannot happen if the child marries and outsider. The Indian family tradition is represented by two aspects that are Ahsrama Dharma and Purusartha.
1.       Ahsrama Dharma can be divided into 4 categories and levels.
·         Brahmacharya(First level) -  A person is 12-24 years old and is in the stages of learning and gaining knowledge.
·         Grihasta(Second level) – A male between age 21-30 and a female between age 18-25 are in a stage of getting married and settling down.
·         Vanaprastha(Third level) – A person between age 48-72 is in the stage of knowledgeable people and is ready to advice others as well as looking into the family affairs.
·         Sannyasa(Fourth level) – A person aged 72 and above is in the stage of spreading wisdom to the community and being strong in the works of GOD.

2.       Purusartha is also divided into 4 categories.
·         Aram/Dharma(First) – Following moral and ethical values.
·         Porul/Artha(Second) – Working for wealth in the right and ethical way.
·         Inbam/Kama(Third) – Love, passion as well as satisfaction in the wealth obtained.
·         Moksha/Vidu(Fourth) – Freedom and realization in obtaining peace.

Now we move into the ranking of the community in India. It has been interesting so far in exploring about the Civilization India. I promise you, that you will continue liking reading the next part. If you are an Indian, you must be wondering what is this ranking all about in the Indian community. We do not practice this anymore but it would be of great knowledge to know how the community was ranked in India. The community was divided into 5 classes.
1.       Brahmin – Intellectual and Religious people
2.       Kshatriya – Rulers and army man
3.       Vaisya – Business people and merchants
4.       Sudra – Laborers and farmers
5.       Panchama – Murtads

Looking at the languages in India gives me goose bumps. As we look at the language aspect, we find that in India there are at least 325 languages and 750 ways in pronouncing it. However, only 14 languages are enforced and recognized by the government.  The main languages are Hindi, Telegu, Bengali, Marathi, Tamil, Urdu, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam and many more.

Moral Values in the Civilization of India
There are a few moral values in the Civilization of India.
·         Dharma – An element that is used to measure the existence of a person’s true character and behavior.
·         Believe/Faith in the existence of God – An element beyond humans natural mind to believe in a higher calling and to acknowledge the existence of God.
·         Karma – Refers to a person’s act, behavior and even thought at a whole that will decide the person’s position after the person is reborn.
·         Ahimsa – Refers to not doing anything wrong or evil.
·         Satya – Refers to true knowledge that covers the entire category of goodness, fairness and right doing.
·         Unity – India has many people of different race and religion and the aspect of unity is important.

Religion and Believes in India
As we know India is a huge country that consists of a high number of populations of people. Therefore, it is understandable that the country would have many religions and believes. Let’s take a look at a few of the religions in India and their believes written in the religion.
1.       Hinduism believes
·         The existence of God as One
·         Humanity is pure and holy
·         Unity through love
·         Harmony in religion
·         Knowledge on the secret things of God
2.       Buddhism believes
·         Suffering is everywhere
·         There are reasons to suffering
·         Every kind of suffering can be overcome
·         There are ways of overcoming suffering

3.       Jainaism believes
·         JIVA - There is a spirit in everything that moves and has live(including plants)
·         AJIVA – Things that are not living
·         ASRAVA – Factors of attraction
·         PAPA KARMA – Sin from bad and wrong doings
·         PUNYA KARMA – Blessing from doing good
·         BANDHA – The bondage of your soul
·         SAMVARA – Withhold the chain flow of Karma
·         NIRJARA – The destruction of Karma
·         SIDDHI – Release from rebirth
4.       Sikh religion
Well,India has a lot to offer. They have come up with ways of painting, music, dance, drama and art. They have inspired many talented people in the world to pursue their dreams. Have you wondered if the painting in your house has a touch of Indian art on it. I am very sure it does. They have much more to offer than just that. Do you know that India was one of the first founders of the medicine industry? Well, they have developed in Mathematic, Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry and many other areas. They brought a new era into our world long time ago.

That’s all the time we have for now to talk about India. Don’t forget that we are one no matter where we come from. This is me, Shaun signing off. I hope you guys enjoyed reading on the Civilization of India. –CHEERS-

                    Prepared By: Shaun Leslie Benjamin *right*  

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