Wednesday 28 March 2012

Part 2: Islamic Civilization

Hey guys! How are you? I'm going to continue for the part two of our group's blog! Do read up the whole thing >.< and don't forget to watch the video we made either! By the way, that is not how my name is spelled! It's SHAH Iskandar~ Oh 'thank you' Mr.Editor(Caesar) for spelling my name NOT right!

Here we go...!

Greeting to all readers, today I will be explaining about Islamic civilization. As we all know, Islam, as an ‘Ad-din’ bestowed to mankind is an unqualified procedure of living. It is characterized as flexible and pragmatic as it is able to cope to the growth civilization. Islamic ‘sharia’ has provided distinct guidelines as a basis to the formation of national up to the par that it has created a holistic civilization. Islamic doctrine is very general as it has no resemblance to other religions that practices ritual or mere divine liturgy. It guides partisan from all angles; culture, economics, politics, social, legislation, judiciary and family institution. Islam has provided the highest constitution that is the revelation bestowed by Allah S.W.T as a mean to purify human faith in the Almighty as well as the complement to human morals. Prophet Muhammad act as a medium to convey the beauty and teachings of the religion, not forgotten to develop human civilization. Islam disregards oppression, racism, nor differentiation. In fact, it focuses more on mankind’s unity as a basis of faith. 

First of all, I would like to explain about the definition of Islamic civilization. The definition differs from an academician to another. Generally, a civilization is deemed as upswing to art, knowledge, and culture. However, each field refers to only two sources that are Al-Quran and al-hadith. Ahmed Essa and Othman Ali(2010) in “Study in Islamic Civilization: The Muslim Contribution and the Renaissance” explains that Islamic civilization is defined as religious rules that produces culture based  on its revelation where it act as a torch that lights all field of human needs. While Seyyed Hossein Nasr(2003) writer of “Islam Religion, History and Civilization” stressed that civilization is referred to activities that assist the community’s culture are based on religion that act as a basis to the growth of civilization. On the other hand, Ali A. Alawi(2009) through his work “The Crisis of Islamic Civilization” addresses Islamic Civilization as matters that contribute to civilization which stresses to the balance of physical and spiritual means. The word ‘Hadarah’ is also used to explain about civilization. This term is used by Ali Husni al-Khurbutuli(1966) through his work “al-‘Arab wa al-Haradah” which focuses on Islamic Civilization. Writers like Kurd Ali(1968), in his book titled “al-Islamwa al-Hadarahal al-‘ Arabiyyah”, Mustafa al-Siba’i(2000) in “Muqaddimat Hadarah al-Islami” accept the term ‘Hadarah’ in explaining the concept of Islamic civilization while a contemporary Arabian writer Sayyid Ismail’ Ali in his book “A’alam Tarbiyyah fi al-Hadarah al-Islamiyyah” has the tendency to analyze the term ‘Hadarah’ as a concept related to the world of Islamic civilization. Apart from that, civilization is also known as ‘Madaniyah’. Wahbah Zuhayli(1998), claims that ‘Madaniyyah’ is closer to the meaning of civilization that fills physical, spiritual, ideological, and moral needs. Abu Nasr, al-Farabi(1986) and few academicians such as Muhammad Rida and Muhammad ‘Abduh perceive ‘Madaniyyah’ in debating concerning civilization or Islamic culture thoroughly.

            Next, I would like to touch on the nature of Islamic civilization. Islamic civilization is what evokes most positive values. It is humane in nature compatible to mankind’s intuitions and habits. The basis implied on the era of Islamic civilization is as compatible as it is to our current era. How lenient as it may be, it shouldn’t contradict to individuals’ selfishness and are forbidden to breach religious beliefs. It was figuratively born due to revelation that urges mankind to secure the interactional seams between mere being and The Almighty, between man, as well as nature. Our faith is what requires us to educate, train our hearts to preserve noble values such as esteem, honor, love, justice, responsibility etc. Partisans are required to live systematically in order to conserve civilization. They are open to experience and external influences as long as it does not contradict the principle of the religion, good values are absorbed and assimilated into their constitution. It crosses ethnic borders, ideology, and the significance of those of other races and social level. Prof. Ahmad Shalaby addresses the characteristics of Islamic civilization as follow:

Ø  Thinking culture implemented upon facing positive values. (al-Thaqafah)
Ø  Achievements on educational field that requires trial and practical. (al-Madaniyah)
Ø  A solution to achievements and thinking culture focusing to noble factor and wisdom that needs trial and error. (al-Haradah or Civilization)

Islamic Reconstruction in the phase of forming civilization was delegated to few sub-units that is:
>Modifications of political curriculum based on Islamic perspective.
>Political and administrative system of Islam.
>Three crucial principles in Islamic economy.
>Modification of Islamic economical curriculum.
>Education system in Prophet Muhammad’s era.
>Curricular modification in societal context.

I will pick up few sub-units to be explained. =D
Modification of political curriculum based on Islamic perspective.
            The political scenario occurred within Ignorant Arabic era, a.k.a. Ignorant era, was mentioned in this topic. Generally, the era of Ignorance has neither authorized legal nor jurisdiction system. From the aspect of enforcement, there is no party that enforces law, or to arrest criminals. Reality is, they simply sorts things out, or settle their plights motivated by grudge. As in their justice system, if there happened any misunderstanding between two parties, the ill-treated party will seek for revenge. This is due to the administration system rigidly practiced with the tribal system. They live only with their clan and there were always disputes between two or more parties as they were fighting over power, as well as their endeavour to attain recognition and security from the ruling government or the party that reign. Though these values are practically negative, yet it is a norm to their society. Overall, the political system of the Ignorant is an absolute contrary to of what Islamic political system is.

Political and administrative system of Islam.
            The word politic is originated from a Latin word that is ‘Polis’ which brings the meaning of city. In Arabic, politic is addressed as ‘al-siyasah’ which means the obligations to overcome problems. Politic from Islamic perspective are based on the concept of faith in Allah S.W.T. Abu ‘Ala al-Maududi in his book “Nazariah al-Islam al-Siyasah” explains that human need to accept and perceive that Allah as The Creator has the right to set rules and control the path that mankind has to face. These laws and regulations are bestowed to Prophet Muhammad as a medium to teach mankind about being responsible. Islam has a political concept rooted from the society itself. It holds different traits as compared to other systems as it comes from the notion of Allah S.W.T. Therefore the belief will not be easily shaken in time or by means of changing powers.

Three crucial principles in Islamic economy.
            Tauhid(Doctrine of Oneness in Allah S.W.T)
Tauhid, Tawheed or Tauheed is recognized as believe in Allah S.W.T and only Allah S.W.T. As to reference to al-maududi, Islamic politic and also mankind’s pathway, if it is adhered to The Almighty, then it is affirmed that there will be no handicap or retardation. This is because divinity is the same as facing to perfection, only Allah Himself is the One to be worshipped as he administrate the whole universe, creates all being, determine the values and sets a datum to all matters. Therefore, human should leave the authority to Allah S.W.T to organize law and obligations for the sake of all beings in this world.
Allah S.W.T bestowed His revelation to the Prophets to adhere to Him ever since the existence of Prophet Adam to the Prophet Muhammad. Before being sent to become a messenger, all of the Prophets are prepared with high knowledge and wisdom so that they have a profound ability to convey teaching and messages wisely, not forgotten to be a good example to mankind.

Caliphs are leaders of Muslim after Prophet Muhammad passed away which acts as a replacement. They are addressed as Caliph of Allah S.W.T (Representative of Allah) or Caliph of Prophet Muhammad (Replacement for Prophet Muhammad). They are also known as Amir al-Mu’minin which holds the meaning ‘leader of the pious ones’. Their responsibilities are as follow:
  1. To secure the generations.
  2. To secure the mind.
  3. To secure honour and respect.
  4. To secure one’s soul.
  5. To treasure one’s belongings.
  6. To secure religion.
  7. To maintain peace.
  8. To secure the country.

Now, of all things, there is one sheer difference of Islamic civilization and other religions or civilization. Muslims adhere to the word ‘Jihad’ that came from an Arabic word in which it means to carry on something with full dedication and a stern will. ‘Jihad’ is also known as ‘Ijtihad’ or ‘Mujahadah’, however used in few different contexts. ‘Ijtihad’ is closely related to academicals context and wisdom, which grasp the meaning of commencing solid scientific researches. However, ‘Mujahadah’ means to abstain, or precisely to fight against something or to abstain from doing something considered as taboo in Islam. ‘Jihad’ is normally used in war or battles. However ‘Jihad’ is too general to be used as it also has various scopes. ‘Jihad’ is a divine struggle but the scenario is totally different from of what we are today. Back then, it includes the aspect of tenure, soul, and courtesy that needs to be polished to the better. However, things that are prioritized now are:
  1. Economical constancy
  2. Societal and unity constancy
  3. Army and security constancy
  4. Political and administration constancy
  5. ICT stability

Therefore, it is crystal vivid that the scopes of ‘Jihad’ nowadays are to:
  1. Fight against enemy internally and externally.
  2. Improve education, founding spirituality, educate in all fields of studies and gripe the technology.
  3. Improve the economy.
  4. Improve the political and administrative system.
  5. Construct the society with unity and understanding.
  6. Improve the army and artilleries.
  7. Practice informing actual facts.

In essence, civilization in Islam was aimed to nurture the three main dimensions in their context of role as caliphs on this blue earth that is to preserve their communication with Allah S.W.T., with other beings and the environment itself. Islam is a religion that has an aim of resemblance to what human yearns for but is sourced to Allah S.W.T. It has goals and aims fixed by The Almighty Himself. It is prominent for a civilization to have goals and aims as it would be futile of a civilization not to have one. It aims to top off human life thoroughly.  Islam sets a guideline to legal and regulations so that mankind can differentiate, identify, search, create, develop, and fabricate themselves and use their initiative based on all resources provided by Allah S.W.T. in this virtual life for charity and to benefit mankind. Mankind needs to fulfill all systems and complete regulations provided by Allah S.W.T. in forming and developing a civilized culture. If it is implemented, all of the goodness and benefits upon achieving such act will be fully presented to mankind themselves. The reality is, Islamic civilization comes from Allah S.W.T., returns to Allah S.W.T and for Allah S.W.T. for eternity.
                                                                                                            Prepared by: Shah Iskandar


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