Thursday 29 March 2012

Part 4 Malay Civilization


Here we are, Malay Civilisation.

First of all, forgive me for any mistake stated as all are simplified,for your convenience. The facts are all based on ' Tamadun Islam dan Tamadun Melayu' by Pearson, and resources presented from the Net.

To understand Malay Civilisation, much easier if the term 'Malay' is been differentiated from common practice as used to presume, race. The term itself, has its own history and usage.


People who should have similar form factor should be called as one race - physically as this is the practice since before. However, the form factor is not an applicable measure to define a group of people as race any more since exist few factor that cause huge difference from one individual to another due to mixture of genetic. Malay race is not excluded as based on history, even the Sultans are married to other princess from far country to prove mutual acceptance.


Knowledge regarding to art, music, literature and others are being teach to younger generation informally, through practice of parents in daily life. The knowledge that is carried proven to be gems to the race. Although a race can be defined from culture practice, Malay culture exist in diversity throughout the archipelago as the population, based on country, is adapting to the surroundings due to influence of other civilisation.


Malay language which is practised mostly in Malay Archipelago, once has became lingua franca or universal language during the golden era of Malay Sultanate. Today, the language is still being practised especially in Asia region but a variance has exist. Influences and introductions of other languages into Malay language, altering the dialect and definitions. This can be seen today where exist Malay language but there exist other languages such as Minangkabau, Jawa, and others.

Malay Civilisation is greatly influenced by many civilisation and this indeed the reason why race, culture and language greatly varied among them, demographically or even geographically. 

To be continued.

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Photos used are all on courtesy of the original owner.

Prepared By: Abdul Hakim

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