Saturday 24 March 2012

Introduction To Civilization

Hello once more! This is where we're gonna start with the serious part! here we GO!

Many people agree on the meaning of civilization as today’s lifestyle or in other word, URBANIZED. Have you heard of one of the Malay quote ‘’ketinggalan zaman’’? Yeah, it simply means out-dated which related closely to the opposite meaning of civilization. Civilization can be defined as positive progress in spiritual and physical aspect of a society that focuses on knowledge and physiology. Primarily, the term has been used to refer to the material and instrumental side of human cultures  that are complex in terms of technology, science, and division of labor. Such civilizations are generally hierarchical and urbanized. In a classical context, people were called "civilized" to set them apart from Barbarians.  
An example which we commonly used, when one particular person irresponsibly throw out a sweet-wrapper out of the car onto the road, we simply categorized them as a uncivilized person.

The level of advancement of a civilization is often measured by its progress in agriculture, long-distance trade, occupational specialization, a special governing class and urbanism. Aside from these core elements, a civilization is often marked by any combination of a number of secondary elements, including a developed transportation system, writing, standardized measurement, currency, contractual and (tort-based) legal systems, characteristic art and architecture, mathematics, enhanced scientific understanding, metallurgy, political structures, an astronomical understanding and religions and believes.

In Asian and Islamic Civilization, Religion has been the basic foundation during the formation of civilization. It leads a path for the society to arrange and organized their adaptation and way of life to achieve peace and harmony.

Ancient academicians stressed that religion is one of the most important components in the development of civilization. It spiritually stimulates human to moves forward to achieve self actualization, progressiveness and competence in life.

Birth of Civilization

In the earlier stage, it happens when individuals desires and act to live in a safe and conducive environment. Thus this leads to their adaptation and usage of the limited resources around them to continue life and to past each day. They’ve always find ways to improve their daily lives which lead to inventions of new gadgets to ease their life.
              Environment has been a challenge and obstacle to them.
 Exp: during drought, soil are harden and dried thus they’d built dam for irrigation system. Therefore, agriculture can proceed as usual.
Slowly, when this evolve, and the life of human kind has wholly progressed in line with their thinking skills therefore this leads to the birth/formation of civilization.

As said before, the element of religions and spirituality is the inner synigical  of an human that beholds the values and positive-ness in life.
     Strategic Geographical Area
To start a residential area, it has to be a easy reach out surrounding for daily needs such as water and food. River supply clean water, food and transportation. While lands allows agriculture and development to be developed.
Example: Civilization in India developed near the Indus River, while for China, it was developed near Hwang Ho river.

·        Development of  knowledge and values plays an important role in civilization.
Ibn Khaldun States that “knowledge that had gain by the classic Islamic intellectuals was believed has came about before the advancement of technology and current development during that era and the one before”

Development in Civilization
The Improvements and Success in Technology and skill in the past world civilization has resulted and left behind a priceless monuments and other wonderful creation.       
            7 wonders of the World
1.     Great Pyramid of Giza
2.     Hanging Gardens of Babylon
3.     Statue of Zeus at Olympia
4.     Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
5.     Mausoleum of Maussollos at Halicarnassus
6.     Colossus of Rhodes
7.     Taj Mahal

      Interaction between Civilizations around the world
One of the characteristic of civilization is flexible. It was believed that it’s able to accept assimilation of influences from abroad and this was documented in the process of its development. It was also said that this purpose was to enforce and lengthen the period of civilization. There were variety of positive interactions in various types of human needs. Thus leads to maturation and success of an civilization. Stability of an civilization can be measured by its competitiveness among all civilizations.

End Of Civilization
      As some saying says that nothing last forever . Same goes to an civilization. Most of the civilization comes to an end due to several factors. Ibn Khaldun states that relationship with the latter part of civilization will declines and eventually comes to an end.

      This was then associates to the lifestyle of the society when they were at the peak of civilization. They life a luxurious life, practices homosexual relationship, more and more issue on political finance and worse still, they’ve astray from their practice and religion. Many philosophers, aristocrats and academicians has their on view on the fall of civilization. But generally, the fall and end of civilization is caused mainly on the failure to withhold their values and religions, downfall of morality, biasness, unfriendly, natural disaster and oppression towards the public. Others are like the setback of knowledge, poverty , viral infection has leads to the downfall of a civilization.

That’s all for my part. I hope you have a clear picture on how does an area, society and culture achieve civilization.  Above video summarize everything about this chapter! Thanks for dropping by and stay tune for the following post! Peace Out! Bye!
                                                                               Prepared by: Caesar Ong


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